The Real Time Web

ATLS 3519-070/071
M / W 1-2:50pm in ATLS 1B31

Arielle Hein
Tues 1-2pm walk-in hours
or by appointment, ATLS 231C


This page has a breakdown of the general content that we will cover in each class. Major project due dates are listed on this page, as are assignments, critique dates and links to notes. This schedule is subject to change.

Week 1

Wednesday, January 18th
introductions, course overview, documentation, hello javascript, creative server workflow, intro survey

Week 2

Monday, January 23rd
how the internet works, javascript basics, media elements

Wednesday, January 25th
websockets, becomming live, server setup, simple chat, git and github

Due: Assignment 1

Watch: How The Internet Works (videos 1-4)

Week 3

Monday, January 30th
git/github, simple chat

Wednesday, February 1st
sending multiple events demo, review

Week 4

Monday, February 6th
the HTML5 canvas, p5.js

Due: Assignment 2

Wednesday, February 8th
p5.js, arrays and objects

Week 5

Monday, February 13th
survey, JSON, collaborative drawing with - follow along with this template

Due: Assignment 3

Wednesday, February 15th
collaborative drawing

Week 6

Monday, February 20th - NO CLASS

Wednesday, February 22nd - NO CLASS
Optional informal meeting in TAM suite (ATLS 231) from 12pm-1:30pm

Week 7

Monday, February 27th
playtesting, project 1 discussion, forever server

Due: Assignment 4

Wednesday, March 1st
mobile sensors, follow along with this socket template

Week 8

Monday, March 6th
mobile with p5, project discussion

Due: Project 1 Proposal

Wednesday, March 8th
p5.sound, loading sounds, amplitude, oscillators, here is a song to use, and here is a socket-p5-template to start from. finished example are here.

Week 9

Monday, March 13th
p5 sound, project check-in

Due: Assignment 5

Wednesday, March 15th
saving content to the server, here is a template to start from

Week 10

Monday, March 20th
work time / play-testing

Wednesday, March 22nd
project 1 critique

Due: Project 1


Monday, March 27th - NO CLASSES

Wednesday, March 29th - NO CLASSES

Week 12

Monday, April 3rd
data from the physical world (serial + Arduino), follow along with this serial template

Wednesday, April 5th
data from the physical world, more serial & arduino

Week 13

Monday, April 10th
project 2 discussion, presentations, wrap up serial

In Class: Topic Presentations - Group 1 (Susie & Amanda) and 2 (Jonny & Chris)

Wednesday, April 12th
WebRTC, streaming video, presentations - getUserMedia template, WebRTC Slides

Due: Assignment 6

Due: Final Project Proposal

In Class: Topic Presentations - Group 4 (Keren & Hannah)

Week 14

Monday, April 17th
streaming video, peerjs - peerjs template

In Class: Topic Presentations - Groups 4 (Cyron & Carolyn) and 6 (Kaylin & Ethan A)

Due: Listen to Reply All Episodes 91 & 93

Wednesday, April 19th
namespaces, rooms, databases, work time

In Class: Topic Presentations - Group 9 (Austin, Bri & Ethan C)

Week 15

Monday, April 24th - NO CLASS

Wednesday, April 26th
project 2 playtesting

Week 16

Monday, May 1st
work day

Wednesday, May 3rd
project 2 critique, submit peer feedback

Due: Project 2

ATLAS EXPO - May 3rd