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Assignment 3

Create a simple interactive drawing experience using p5.

Focus on the visual style and the interactivity. Aim to build something where multiple clients could connect and collaborate in the experience in some way. In assignment 4 you will have the opportunity to extend this example to include a websocket connection (you do not need to set up a real-time connection in this assignment).

Check out this excellent collection of p5 videos for help on this assignemnt. Also visit for examples and references.

Assignment 3 is worth 40 points. You will be evaluated on:

  • 20 pts - technical proficiency
  • 10 pts - design / UI
  • 10 pts - concept / creativity

Post your assignment on the Creative Server so that I can view it live online. Post a link to your project on Edmodo.

Assignment 3 is due before class on Monday, February 13th