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Project 2

Build an interactive, multi-user experience that hinges on the technologies that we have explored in this class. Ideas for this project might include a game, a live-data stream, a multi-user audio experience, an interactive installation…

Focus on the user experience of your project - what will it be like for multiple people to play this game at the same time? Will they connect on their phones? On a computer? What keeps them coming back for more?

I encourage you to think about building a project that would work well to present at the ATLAS Expo.

You may work with a partner on this project. You may also extend an existing assignment, although there must be significant improvements/changes made to it.

Project proposals due April 12th - create a blog post with a paragraph description of your concept for the project and any visual references (illustrations, system diagrams, etc.). You should also describe the technical components - how do you plan to actually build this thing?

Answer the following question in your proposal: why is your idea a great example of real-time communication technology?

Project 2 is due in class on Wednesday, May 3rd