This page has a breakdown of the general content that we will cover in each class. Major project due dates are listed on this page, as are assignments, test and critique dates. This schedule is subject to change.

Assignments are due on the day that they are listed.

Week 1

Monday, August 22nd
introductions, design activity, expectations

Wednesday, August 24th
syllabus, edmodo, blogs, rhino resources, nurbs vs. mesh

  • Due: review syllabus, get a 3 button mouse, install Rhino (if using your own machine)

Week 2

Monday, August 29th
designing in rhino: interface and command line basics, curves, 2d primitives
follow along with demo01.3dm

Wednesday, August 31st
3d primitives, surfaces in rhino, polysurface operations, deformations
follow along with demo02.3dm
In-Class Activity: button design

Week 3

Monday, September 5th - NO CLASS - Labor Day :)

Wednesday, September 7th
modeling in rhino, surfacing & solids

Week 4

Monday, September 12th
design discussion, rendering in rhino, exporting and saving projects, writing an artist statement, work time
follow along with table.3dm

Wednesday, September 14th
project critique

Week 5

Monday, September 19th
illustrator to rhino, fonts, design for laser cutting

Wednesday, September 21st
BTU lab tour, introduce project 2, materials, survey, sketching

Week 6

Monday, September 26th - class meets in the BTU lab
group design activity, using the laser cutter, using the 3d printers
small group meetings - bring material to laser cut

Wednesday, September 28th - class meets in the BTU lab
group design activity, using the laser cutter, using the 3d printers
small group meetings - bring material to laser cut

Week 7

Monday, October 3rd
project workshopping, design discussion

Wednesday, October 5th
materials discussion

Week 8

Monday, October 10th
guest discussion/presentation with Zack Jacobson-Weaver

Wednesday, October 12th
work time

Week 9

Monday, October 17th
project presentations - presentation order

Wednesday, October 19th
project presentations, introduce project 3

Week 10

Monday, October 24th
photogrammetry, 3d printing artists, 123D catch, cleaning up a scan

Wednesday, October 26th - NO CLASS

Week 11

Monday, October 31st - NO CLASS

Wednesday, November 2nd - NO CLASS

Week 12

Monday, November 7th
sculpting data, 3d printing, post-processing & finishing

Wednesday, November 9th
Print the Legend

Week 13

Monday, November 14th
project 3 critique

Wednesday, November 16th
paper fabrication, discuss final projects

Week 14 - FALL BREAK

Monday, November 21st - NO CLASS

Wednesday, November 23rd - NO CLASS

Week 15

Monday, November 28th
project workshopping

Wednesday, November 30th
advanced tools & techniques for digital fabrication

Week 16

Monday, December 5th
work day

Wednesday, December 7th
final project critique

Finals Week

Thursday, December 15th @ 7:30PM - NO IN-PERSON MEETING

Both things are due on Edmodo by 7:30pm