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Forever Server

In the simple chat example that we started with, the server will shutdown and stop running once you log out or stop it with cntrl-c. Forever is a node module that allows us to run a node server in the background.

Install the module:

npm install forever -g

Then run the server with it:

forever start server.js

List running servers (running using forever)

forever list

This should output a list of running forever scripts

info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command             script    forever pid   logfile                 uptime       
data:    [0] GpWl /usr/local/bin/node server.js 16677   16679 /root/.forever/GpWl.log 0:0:0:14.683 

This shows one process running with the ID of GpWl (which is important if you want to shut it down). It’s log file is here: /root/.forever/GpWl.log which is where any output that it generates will be written.

Stop it

forever stop <enter the pid> 

(see above for the ID)

More information about forever