Explore non-traditional materials and build series and parallel circuits. This lab consists of building three different things: 1) a paper circuit using copper tape, 2) a custom switch, and 3) breadboarded circuits: one in series and one in parallel.

Lab Objectives:

  • Use a multimeter to check connectivity
  • Build circuits in series and parallel
  • Explore non-traditional materials
  • Draw schematics by hand


  1. Build one circuit on paper using copper tape. Your circuit should have at least one LED and some kind of switch. Get creative with how the circuit turns on and off.
  2. Build a custom switch (out of fabric, copper tape, paper, etc..) that connects to your breadboard and turns on an LED. Replace the switch from your circuit in Lab 1 with this custom switch.
  3. On a breadboard, build two circuits, each with a minimum of two LEDs. One circuit should have the LEDs in series and the other should be in parallel. Use Ohm’s Law to calculate the necessary resistor values in these two circuits given your particular power source. Draw schematic diagrams of each breadboarded circuit.

Lab 2 Resources:

Blog Response:

  • Briefly explain the difference between series and parallel circuits. What kind of circuit would be a more reliable option for connecting several LEDs? Why?
  • Post photos and of the circuits you built and label each with a caption. For the breadboarded circuits, also post a schematic drawing for each.

Lab 2 is due before class on Tuesday January 31st. Submit a link to your blog post on Edmodo.