Project 1

Create a working prototype for an Interactive Toy. Learn about your audience (what are their goals and motivations?), and be purposeful in designing the toy for a particular environment or use case. Visualize the scenario in which a user would interact with this interactive object and design your toy accordingly.

Throughout the design and production process, be thoughtful in crafting an object and experience that is intentional. What is the purpose of your toy? Is it for learning? For building connection? Or simply for entertainment? Who is this toy intended for? Be sure to clarify the audience or user of your object, and carefully think through the relationship between this user and your toy. Choose inputs, outputs and fabrication materials that are most appropriate for your concept.

Due Dates

  • Tuesday, February 13th - project proposal due in class
  • Thursday, March 1st - show a working-prototype and enclosure sample in class
  • Thursday, March 8th - in class demo / presentation of your working project
  • Sunday, March 11th - final documentation due on your blog

Proposal Requirements

Due February 13th in class

  • A detailed description of what you intend to build both from a technical and conceptual perspective - what is this toy and how will you build it. What is the purpose of this toy? Who is the user?
  • A parts list - this includes things you need to buy AND parts that you already have
  • A drawing or interaction diagram of the project

Make a blog post of your proposal. Your proposal will be given a πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž by February 15th.

Prototype Requirements

Due March 1st in class

  • Demonstrate functional inputs / outputs - 80% of the hardware and software should be working
  • Prototype of the final enclosure - made from cardboard, fabric, tape, etc..

Your final blog documentation must include

Due Sunday March 11th by 11:59pm on your blog

  • a formal description / summary of the project (~500 words)
  • high-quality photos of the finished object
  • video of your working project
  • schematic drawing of your circuit (created in Fritzing or EagleCAD)
  • the code for your project (posted via gist or with a link to github)

Project Evaluation Criteria: 20% each

Concept, Hardware, Software, Enclosure, Presentation/Documentation

You are expected to document your work thoroughly on your blog as you go - your grade for this project will largely be based on your in-class demonstration and on the documentation you publish to your blog. Include details of all phases of the project. Include a project summary as well, explaining what the system you built is, what it does, and what purpose it’s intended to serve. Your summary should introduce the project as if the reader has never heard of the project before.

Project 1 is worth 150pts

©2018 - Arielle Hein